Make a donation to Velvet Noses Horse Ministry
Thank you for partnering with us to help improve the lives of people who come to connect with our herd. Because of your generous donations and prayers we are able to provide a safe environment for each person and all the horses as well as help educate and encourage the children and re-home horses in need. All monetary gifts go to our general operating account (unless giver designates otherwise). Some of our operating and program expenses are; horse care, feed, fencing, helmets, certified Horsemanship curriculum books, saddles and other horse tack, veterinary expenses, insurances, and start up fees to name a few.
Velvet Noses Horse Ministry, Inc. is a non-profit 501c (3) tax-exempt organization registered in California, U.S.A. and your donations is tax-deductible within the guidelines of the U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deductible on your U.S. taxes, please keep your donation receipt as your official record. Velvet Noses Horse Ministry, Inc's Federal Tax ID number is 84-4850709. The donor has received no goods or services for the deductible portion of this contribution. Velvet Noses Horse Ministry, Inc has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
"We are the people of His pasture" Psalms 95:7 And we are humbly grateful for your support.