Learning Sessions
Sessions involve one mentor, one child or adult, and one horse to build trust, connection, and communication. Our hope is that these sessions will enrich the lives of our local youth & families.
Education We Provide
Teaching all aspects of horsemanship using the information from the Certified Horsemanship Association Manuals.
These include: Safety, proper horse care, connection, communication, horse logic and behavior, grooming and tack, horse parts and breeds, basic riding skills, horse behavioral problems and solutions, health and illnesses , hoof care and much more.
Requirements for Participation
Our sessions program is available to those 5 years and older. These individuals must
Have the desire to learn all aspects of horses and basic riding skills.
To respect the horses, facility, and the mentors.
Give the love to the horses, as they give to you.
*Please note we do not offer Hippotherapy or Equine Assisted Therapy as we do not have the certified staff to do so.
Clothing and Equipment
Shoes or boots that are closed toed, have a heel, and a smooth sole are required.
Long sleeve shirt and long pants are required.
Helmets are required and are provided.
We recommend to bring sun screen and a bottle of water during the sessions.
Information for Parents
We require that if a student is under 18 years of age that they have a parent or guardian be on the property at all times during their session. We strive to make this an enjoyable time for everyone involved.
Other family members and friends are more than welcome to stay on the property and watch from a safe distance to allow us to keep an engaged 1 on 1 relationship between the horse and the student. You are welcome to take as many pictures as you would like!
Horses would love to be greeted by the visitors, we invite you to meet them over the fence. However please do not enter the paddock or feed the horses any treats without permission.
We make every effort to provide the services at a low cost. We are more than happy to work with you for prices or to find a sponsor.
The cost of a riding session is $45 per student for one to one and half hour session.
Our goal is to meet the needs of the community through complimentary sessions! Help us get the word out so that more youth can be reached!